OUR MISSION is to provide social, recreational, and life-supporting services that enable seniors and adults with disability to maintain their independence and remain in their homes for as long as safely possible.
Nutrition Services
NEMO SCS Nutrition Services include:
Congregate dining (Senior Center in Village '76)
Home-delivered meals for home-bound individuals, age 60 and beyond
Home-delivered meals for home-bound individuals with disability, ages 18-59
In-Home Services
In-home services provided include:
Personal care
Homemaker chore
Family caregiver respite
“I have such piece of mind knowing that someone actually sees my mother every day when they deliver her meal. I know she's alright."
“Our clients look forward to their workers coming each week. Sometimes we're the only people they see all week. It makes them happy."
Tammy D. (In-Home Staff)
“My mom receives home delivered meals. She looks forward to Melvin bringing her meal every day. This program relieves my worries, whether she's eating. Hot nutritious meals!”
"Maintaining an older adult’s ability to live independently requires daily sustained assistance from outside caregivers. We are committed to sustaining our aunt’s ability to stay in her home, and NEMO Senior Citizens Services has become an indispensable part of that effort. Weekday noon meal deliveries and weekly home cleanings by members of their team supplement our own regular care and give her additional daily contacts that add to her sense of security and give her the confidence she needs to continue to live on her own. At nearly 100, our aunt continues to enjoy life outside of institutional care and we are grateful to NEMO Senior Services for helping to make that possible."
Mark & Janet Hanley