Nutrition Services
NEMO Senior Citizens Services, Inc. offers well-balanced, nutritious meals each Monday-Friday through three different programs made possible through funding received through the NEMO Area Agency on Aging.
CONGREGATE DINING: Meals served from 11:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. cafeteria style at our Senior Center located in Village ’76. To be eligible, an individual must be 60 years or older, be an accompanying spouse, or disabled individuals 18-59 years of age with proof of disability. Income is not a factor in determining eligibility. Meals are provided on a voluntary contribution basis. Currently, the suggested contribution rate is $3.00 per meal.
HOME-DELIVERED: Delivered to individuals considered “homebound.” Age eligibility requirements are the same as above, however we are limited in the number of persons we are able to serve and waiting lists sometimes occur. This service is limited to individuals residing in the Kirksville and LaPlata city limits. The suggested contribution rate is $3.75 per meal.
HOME-DELIVERED MEALS AUTHORIZED THROUGH MEDICAID: Individuals receiving Home and Community-based Services authorized by The Department of Senior and Disability Services may be eligible to also receive home-delivered meals. This service is limited to individuals residing in the Kirksville and LaPlata city limits. There is no contribution for Medicaid-authorized meals.
In-Home Services
Through our in-home services and respite programs, qualifying individuals can receive assistance tailored to meet the client's assessed needs:
PERSONAL CARE: Assistance with bathing, dressing, grooming, and medically related household tasks.
HOMEMAKER CHORE: In-home staff will assist with tasks related to household tasks such as cleaning, laundry, errands/shopping, and light meal preparation.
RESPITE: Services such as personal care or homemaker chore are provided for an individual who's caregiver is requesting support.
All in home services are provided through a variety of methods:
Medicaid: Individuals receiving Home and Community-based Services authorized by The Department of Senior and Disability Services may be eligible to also receive in-home services.
Veterans Administration: Veterans who qualify can request NEMO Senior Citizens Services as their provider of in-home services.
IIIB (federal): Funding for this program is by contract with NEMO Area Agency on Aging. Services are provided on a voluntary contribution basis.
Private pay
Health Prevention Education
NEMO SCS offers free self-management and caregiver support classes, such as:
Chronic Disease Self-Management
Diabetes Self-Management
Powerful Tools for Caregivers